Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages: September 16 - 20, 2019  

Monday, September 16th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Let's return to that "balloon" analogy that was mentioned during lessons last week.

     A balloon can represent a lot of ideas, and these are ideas we can "see" in our minds as well as touch and manipulate. We shall do this over the next couple weeks.

     So, 2 things for now: 1) If you write on an uninflated balloon, and then inflate it, what you write (or draw) on it expands with the more "air" you put in; 2) One pin-prick can pop the whole balloon, and one has to take the time, effort, and expense to start all over.

     Let's talk about what these ideas mean for learning.


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, September 17th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Be Good. Be great! Don't be lazy! Being good is doing what you are asked to try, and doing it the first time you are asked. Being great is striving for perfection, working hard when you don't understand, trying to get yourself to understanding. And it also means, "Going beyond!"

     Being lazy is giving-up, or even not trying at all, ignoring what you are asked to do, and slipping into a kind-of "waking sleep" where you are not really there doing what everyone else is engaged in.

     Join-in on our class's greatness. We are all in it together!


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, September 18th, 2019


Dear Students:

      There is a metaphor that describes the phenomenon when something new develops in you. The saying is: "It grows on you." Since it doesn't really "grow" on you, the saying is trying to remind you of a flower or tree, or vine, or weed.

     Qualities, or knowledge, or bad habits "growing on you," is happening all the time with choices you make. Choose to have good things "grow on you" by curiosity, practice, research, and hard work. Choose to keep bad things and bad habits from "growing on you" by being determined to not let them become part of you.


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, September 19th, 2019


Dear Students:

      What will you learn today?

     It's exciting, isn't it? It's exciting knowing that when the day begins, you know I've planned lessons and activites for "The joy of learning!"

     Knowing that, feeling that, should make you determined to get control of yourself, to be the best you can be, because self-control and determination will not only lead to your own joy of learning, but your mature presence will lead to helping everyone's experience today in the joy of learning.



           Mr. Stathis


Friday, September 20th, 2019


Dear Students:

      We've done a lot in 5 weeks together. You've learned a lot! You are learning every day. You listen, you think, you try, you practice, and you make new knowledge that I teach you, your own.

     We've climbed the first mountain together, and we have many more mountains yet to climb!

     You have to respect me and show respectful attention to your classmates, or you will fall behind.



           Mr. Stathis